Webmaster's note: The Book of Pook is a great book and a life changing read for many (including myself) but it is out of date with modern times.
It was written long before hookups, online dating, or even texting were a thing.
I highly recommend checking out The Seduction Bible. It is a modern and up to date resource.
Update: You now get The Complete Pook Collection as a part of The Seduction Bible Bundle.
Oh! So much to comment on in this thread!
Deep Dish Congrats on pointing out the Dracula metaphor. There was a Native American myth of women who had teethed vaginas in such the male does not exit the same as he entered. The Dracula metaphor is found in almost all mythologies in the world.
Here is a passage from the Book of Proverbs. This ‘book’ is intended to be advice for YOUNG MEN. What does it speak of? Why, the same questions that are on this thread. It emphasis heavily that WISDOM is more important than any silver. It advises that one avoids these women and gives a beautiful description of the wife a young man should aim for.
Already we see the ANCIENT description of women being BORED and very deceiving.
The husband is gone! The woman is married! She is not single and literally devouring the young foolish male.
His life is in danger! Why is this ancient tome of wisdom saying such a thing?
“It is speaking of spiritual life, of his soul.”
Yes but no! Just look around for validation. I see a fleet of young men, obviously gone the path that above foolish male did, and have their lives sucked from them. They lose their ambition. They just sit about, drowning in sensuality. They have become merely boy-toys. There is no Man in them.
This is quite a condemning piece on these type of women. But the advice is sound.
If the foolish young man could speak, he would say, “Look at me! Look at me! I have sexed a married woman! Wow, that means I am really special! I have such sKilZ! I am SO AWESOME that I am bedding MARRIED WOMEN!”
The foolish youth is filled with vanity. He does not see that the woman is merely using and discarding him. It is like the guy who thinks the girl he is dating ‘really really likes him’. In truth, she is just bored on Saturday night and going out is better than being at home.
All this talk of ‘sexual revolution’, of female ‘independence’ is a load of BS. As we can see, women have always acted this way. If there has been any ‘sexual revolution’, it has been in the decreased IGNORANCE of sexuality. There are less and less men and ladies as time goes by.
Rather than looking at things in a ‘bad girl’ or ‘good girl’ frame, it might be more helpful to look at it in a ‘GIVING’ or ‘NONGIVING’ frame.
For example, the ‘NONGIVING’ girl only sees you as a prop, as a boytoy, as an ATM card. This type of girl is all about HER, of what SHE can get for HERSELF. As a mother, she sees her children as merely agents to give her ‘motherly feelings’. She doesn’t truly GIVE her life for them or for the husband.
The GIVING girl tends to be the sweet one. She sees children not as a bangle to give her more status to this world or ‘motherly feelings’, but as someone to sacrifice and invest her life within. She even has that attitude towards you. She is the ideal wife and mother.
Rather than ‘good’ or ‘bad’ girl, I think the ‘giving’ and ‘nongiving’ frame is more illuminating.
bp1947 I really liked your post:
Exactly! Sexuality has been so perverted to think anything with the genitals. It involves the entire body…mind… and soul.
I keep reading newstories (a trend) of young men shrugging off marriage, like Atlas shrugging off the world. The distinction is excellent. Rather than seeing women as just female genitals with their breasts, butt, etc. being merely genital ornamentation, men do want to marry only REAL women.
But with EVERY woman I come across, they ALL say, “I understand men” (you won’t find a male who will say such a thing about women with any real confidence). They think they know how to CONTROL men, how to make ‘men happy’. But they are SO VAIN and SO WRONG it is laughable.
All we ‘learn’ on sexuality nowadays are stale evolution theories, bogus psychologies, and bumper sticker political statements. There is no real knowledge on sexuality these days. There is no emphasis on girls to become ladies or boys to become men.
It’s time for the world to have a TRUE Sexual Revolution!
Webmaster's note: The Book of Pook is a great book and a life changing read for many (including myself) but it is out of date with modern times.
It was written long before hookups, online dating, or even texting were a thing.
I highly recommend checking out The Seduction Bible. It is a modern and up to date resource.
Update: You now get The Complete Pook Collection as a part of The Seduction Bible Bundle.