Webmaster's note: The Book of Pook is a great book and a life changing read for many (including myself) but it is out of date with modern times.
It was written long before hookups, online dating, or even texting were a thing.
I highly recommend checking out The Seduction Bible. It is a modern and up to date resource.
Update: You now get The Complete Pook Collection as a part of The Seduction Bible Bundle.
Let us open up the Great Books of Mankind once again to go a few steps lower into the underworld of antiquity.
The Mayas had a One-Legged Being named ‘Hunrakan’ whose name, in Maya, means ‘one leg.’ Hunraken was a being who disposed of wind, rain, thunder, and lightning in vast amounts.
The English word for ‘Hurricane’ is derived from ‘Hunraken.’
However, Hunraken is not a weather god. He is one aspect of Tezcatlipoca himself (the true original One-Leg that looks down from the starry sky).
The strangest thing is that One Legged beings keep appearing throughout all religions and beliefs throughout the globe. In West Sudan, Faro only has one leg. The mock-king of Siam had to stand on one leg upon a golden dais during all the coronation ceremonies, and had the neat sounding title of “Lord of the Celestial Armies.” The Chinese K’uei also follows this pattern. The Chinese were extremely sky conscious. Singufl monsters are thrown into pits or banished to strange mountain regions for the sin of having upset the calendar.
“But Pook!” one might ask. “I do not understand how one can upset the calendar.”
The Mill is the idea of a cosmic harmony among the ancient ancients, my name for them is precursors. With the idea of a cosmic harmony, this is the origin of the Harmony of the Spheres, philosophy, the ancient myths, and this harmony is inserted into all the religions. Shakespeare appears to be the last one who expressed any sense of cosmic harmony. In Macbeth and Richard III, for example, all of Nature turns into an uproar at the political overthrows. After all, this ‘cosmic harmony’ was, only a few centuries ago, seen as a type of ‘Divine Right of Kings.’ In Macbeth, the horses begin to eat one another. Hamlet is made to say, “Time is out of joint and cursed spite/ that I was ever born to set it right.”
And, of course, from this ‘cosmic harmony’ comes the origins of music in different civilizations. Emperor Shun made K’uei the “master of music.” K’uei alone had the talent to bring into harmony the six pipes and the seven modes, and Shun, who wanted to bring peace to the empire, stood by the opinion that “music is the essence of heaven and earth.” K’uei also could cause the ‘hundred animals’ to dance by touching the musical stone. He helped Yu the Great, the earth- mover of the Five First Emperors, to accomplish his labor of regulating the “rivers” (yes, the same rivers of Socrates and Plato. These rivers run straight to the Mill). Yu the Great had a dancing pattern (the Step of Yu) which, when performed, turned into the Big Dipper.
The ancient shamans, far from being ‘medicine men’ or a perverse deranged sexual persona of Paglia, were actually blacksmiths. Blacksmiths of what? Why, of that celestial Mill of Heavens of course that is the center of cosmic harmony. The Yakuts claim: “Smith and Shaman come from the same nest,” and “the Smith is the older brother of the Shaman. Vainamoinen and Ilmarinen are said to have “hammered together the roof of the sky.” This is the same type of ancient smith who created the Sampo and forged sky and luminaries in Estonia.
The representative of the celestial smith, the King, is frequently titled “Smith.” Genghis Khan had the title “Smith” and the standard of the Persian Empire was the stylized leather apron of the Smith Kavag. The Chinese mythical emperors Huan-ti and Yu are smiths which baffled the historic-sociological findings of Marcel Granet. He forgot that Huang-ti, the Yellow Emperor, is said to be Saturn (the keeper of Time). The Persian Shahs held their royal jubilee festival after having reigned thirty years, which is the Saturnian revolution, so the Egyptian Pharaoh also celebrated his jubilee after thirty years to the true “inventor” of this festival whose name was Ptah. Ptah is the Egyptian Saturn.
The Iranian God of Time, Zurvan akarana, is portrayed as standing upon the world egg, carrying in his hands the tools of the architect:
In his hands a copper hammer, And his little pincers likewise. Ilmari was born at night time, And at day he built his smithy.
The Babylonians called their texts after their opening words. The Creation Epic they called “Enuma elish” which means “When above.” What we call the Epic of Gilgamesh, they called “Sha naqba imuru” which means “Who saw everything.” Just as today, the religious do not refer to the New Testament as the “Epic of Christ” for Christ, to Christians, is not a character in some dumb play for Christ is the cosmic harmony itself.
Religious cannot see the Mill because they are inside the Mill. When you are inside a cosmic system of harmonies, you must be outside it to see it. This is not a criticism but a salute. This explains why the religious are not tempted to quack cults such as Gnosticism, paganism, communism, fascism, feminism, etc. When you are in a cosmic harmony, you do not look for a politician to give you one. This is also why Gnostics, social Darwinists, communists, fascists, feminists, etc. do all they can to dismantle the Mill, the idea of a cosmic harmony for they hate the religious more than anything (Gnostics are more interested in signs than the substance itself. The same is true with astrologists.)
So how is Christianity inside the Mill? This question, alone, can spawn a series of posts in the future. But for now, there is this:
Christ is the Son of God, son of a carpenter, a blacksmith himself born under the Star of Bethlehem (the true ‘king’ whose kingdom is not of this world). Christ, to Christians, restored the cosmic harmony. This is why He is referred to as the Alpha and the Omega. Christ also corrected Time. The secular today lack the balls to refer to BC as “Before Christ” but only as BCE “Become Common Era”.
The arrival of the Messiah created a ‘thunderclap’ to the cosmos. Even Time was altered. Now, the gates to Heaven were open. The difference between the devout Christian and the secular or false Christian is that the former believes in the cosmic harmony…that Jesus was a craftsman (later art turned him into a carpenter but he was most likely a blacksmith). If Jesus was that smith, that craftsman, ask yourself, “What was his Mill?”
It would not be a Mill of this Earth.
Webmaster's note: The Book of Pook is a great book and a life changing read for many (including myself) but it is out of date with modern times.
It was written long before hookups, online dating, or even texting were a thing.
I highly recommend checking out The Seduction Bible. It is a modern and up to date resource.
Update: You now get The Complete Pook Collection as a part of The Seduction Bible Bundle.