The Rejection of Existentialism

The sweet perfume of the Matriarchy that intoxicates its people is, essentially, existentialism. Language means things, and I grow suspicious when definitions of words are changed either deliberately or not. Tragedy today means something occurring that causes such anguish that there can be no easy way to comfort. Every unexpected death is considered a ‘tragedy.’…

Do Not Worship Women

Why do some men exit the Matriarchy while others do not? Why do the men who exit the ‘Spell’ share similar personalities as well as having similar views on business, computers, and realism? Why is the Men’s Movement such a big tent yet so small? A single answer can be made to all three questions.…

Passion versus Eros

It is said that there is more sex than ever before, or, at least, more than in recent times. Constant cries of outrage come from the latest news story about a principal making porn with school teachers or school kids doing hanky panky under the table. A better illustration would be the early university (founded…

Define the Rules For Your Own Life

“Why won’t you stop harping about the ‘be who you are’ stuff?” you ask. Because it is the most important lesson I ever learned. Our lives seem so powerless because we actually GIVE power to others to define us, to shape us. For example, on Sosuave and life, you’ve certainly seen guys give women so…


There are many things I do not understand about life, but there is one thing I know with certainty: you cannot live your life through other people’s eyes. I believe most people trap themselves into a type of hollow life where they keep acting to please others…be it their girlfriends…their families…their employers…and forget about their…

Origin of the ‘Nerd’

Nerd probably came from a term at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute from the origin of Knurd (which is drunk spelled backwards). Unlike the drunk, the ‘knurd’ drinks heavily of knowledge and does practically everything opposite of the ‘drunk.’ But have you noticed how some things are considered ‘nerd’ while other things are not? And, even…

Behold the Plutons!

A council has decided that now we have twelve planets in the solar system instead of nine. By creating a category called “Pluton,” astronomers can include several smaller masses in which the first one is Pluto. The planets are, of course, a central part of the Mill. It was always to be believed that there were…

Hurricanes, Kings, and the Mill

Let us open up the Great Books of Mankind once again to go a few steps lower into the underworld of antiquity. The Mayas had a One-Legged Being named ‘Hunrakan’ whose name, in Maya, means ‘one leg.’ Hunraken was a being who disposed of wind, rain, thunder, and lightning in vast amounts. The English word…