Webmaster's note: The Book of Pook is a great book and a life changing read for many (including myself) but it is out of date with modern times.
It was written long before hookups, online dating, or even texting were a thing.
I highly recommend checking out The Seduction Bible. It is a modern and up to date resource.
Update: You now get The Complete Pook Collection as a part of The Seduction Bible Bundle.
From an entry at Mirror of the Soul:
I am an avid player of chess. People that play chess understand life, whereas those that don’t greatly lose out on a game which can give them insight into life as well as strategic thinking. Consider in life that men fall into the categories of pawn, knight, bishop, rook, and king – synonymous with the pieces on a chessboard – and all bow to the queen who is the most powerful piece on the chessboard – synonymous with men bowing and being slaves to women in the Anglosphere. Rarely do we see a man in the Anglosphere viewing himself more than a chess piece. He mindlessly takes his role, whether it be pawn, knight, bishop, rook, or king and bows to the queens of his life. However, the chess master bows to no one, and moves and controls each chess piece for his advantage. You need to rise above your chess piece status in life, and become the chess master, by transforming yourself to be above it all. If you don’t, you will be constantly bowing to the queens in your life, and be used by other chess masters to their advantage, and to your detriment.
Let us expand on this analogy of this Human Chessboard.
The Queen is the woman to which all the other pieces bow. The Pawn is the usual shmuck, the laborer, the dumb wage-slave who easily gets pushed around. The Bishop is the religious entity such as a priest or pastor. The Rook is the political entity such as a legislator or judge. The Knight is the ‘shining hero,’ the guy who attempts to be the hero at everything. These knights are often found in dangerous professions such as the military, police, and firefighting.
What about the King? Why does the game end when he gets captured? And what about the chessboard itself? Does it represent something? How does the Queen move so freely throughout the board while other pieces are more restricted? Why do Pawns turn into Queens when they get ‘promoted’ at the end of the board (or sometimes they turn into Knights)? And who is the Chess master’s opponent? After all, he must be playing against someone.
The King represents status itself. “The King is a ‘Thing,'” Shakespeare’s Hamlet mused. Most people see success only through the eyes, never through the mind. Most people worm their way through the world just to boost the ‘status’ to appear greater in other peoples’ eyes. The King is free to move in any direction because he has all the status. Yet, he moves very little because otherwise it would be risky to his ‘status.’ We know how quickly those with high status can fall. The game ends when the ‘King’ gets captured because that is the goal of all the players on the board: all the Queens, Bishops, Rooks, Knights, and Pawns want the status of the King.
The Chessboard is Nature. The Queen is so powerful because Nature works so well in their favor (in speeding through and maneuvering around men…the other chess pieces). Each piece’s greater understanding of Nature allows greater movement. Pawns are the most ignorant of Nature so they only slowly march forward. Since Pawns are always stuck in the present, they can never move backwards. The Bishop and Rook (politician) study the Queen (our glorious Anglo Female!) to manipulate the other males. So the Bishop and Rook can mimic some of the Queen’s powers. The Knight is unpredictable and can zig zag on Nature’s board.
Every Pawn’s dream is reach the end of the board to become a Queen themselves. These are the ‘laborers’ who suddenly become glitzy movie actors or some other star. They are literally ‘queens’ at that point. Every now and then, a few will opt to become the Knight.
The Chess master is not outside of Nature. He is not the Machiavelli of the world (that would be the Queen). The Chess master PLAYS all the pieces on Nature. The reason why most people end up being a piece on the board is that their perception does not seek to view the entire board. The Queen will always see herself as a Queen. The rest of the pieces will always bow towards her resulting in what they become.
The opponent of the Chess master is Time itself. The Chess master and Time play a grueling game on the board of Nature. Woman, the ‘Queen’ that all people throw themselves toward, is the most manipulative and dirtiest piece on the board of Nature. The other pieces are so overwhelmed and confused by Nature so they, no doubt, see the Queen as a divine and celestial goddess. Time is working Nature against the Chess master. But the Chess master can work Nature against Time as well. Who were those who checkmated Time? Every great legend, financial, engineering, or artistic, lives through people’s minds because they bested Time.
Shakespeare revealed all he did was hold a mirror up to Nature and Time didn’t have a chance. All the Carnegies and Napoleons of the world became so by understanding (Human) Nature. The pieces are forever locked onto the plane of Nature and the Queen naturally becomes their greatest fear…and greatest desire to become. The Chess master laughs at those who desire to become Queens for they will forever be pinned down to Nature…never ascending to combat Time.
Webmaster's note: The Book of Pook is a great book and a life changing read for many (including myself) but it is out of date with modern times.
It was written long before hookups, online dating, or even texting were a thing.
I highly recommend checking out The Seduction Bible. It is a modern and up to date resource.
Update: You now get The Complete Pook Collection as a part of The Seduction Bible Bundle.