Nightline surpasses Letterman

Jay Leno’s reruns are bringing in bigger ratings than Letterman’s new shows. Nightline is now bringing in bigger ratings than Letterman. When Nightline out rates your show, you know you are in trouble. Since I am curious about the Entertainment Industry, I wondered, “Gee, why is Letterman’s ratings going down?” The complaints I hear is that Letterman…

Box Office plummets 26%

Hey Hollywood! Disrupt your entertainment model or you’re going to find yourselves disrupted by an upstart outsider! The box office experienced a horrific weekend in more ways than one. Not only did a horror movie that its studio declined to show to critics lead all others, but it earned just $9 million — the first time…

The Third Great Change to Mankind

History can forever be debated. But there are a few things that occurred which are beyond all debate. Three great changes have altered Mankind. The first change is said to be the discovery of Agriculture. The planting of crops allowed cities to occur. And with cities, it allowed the arts, the sciences, the law, and…

Coming of the Entertainment Wave…

An emailer asks: I’m looking for some material on the increase number people downloading music, movies, videos, etc. instead of actually going out to get the physical product. I’ve notice a trend in some interesting articles…specifically this show I saw with Charlie Rose talking about the future of technology and entertainment…if you know of any…