Radicalism of Vilar

“The Manipulated Man” is the most cited book for the Enlightened Men and the most influential. When I first read it, I was tearing out my hair saying, “I cannot prove she is wrong!” It takes repeated readings and some time for the Truth to fully sink in. Due to how perspective altering the book…

Sunday Reading: Voice of the Neuter

I have decided I am no longer going to post anything significant on this blog on Sunday. Sunday will become a day of rest for me. So, instead, I will link to someone else’s excellent essay and say, “Here is your Sunday reading!” For this week: The Voice of the Neuter Quote: Above all, it is…


Did you know one way you can tell the difference between a bachelor and a married man? Look at their footprints. Married men walk on their heels as if the world is on their shoulders. Bachelors walk on their toes. Don’t believe me? Look at the footprints yourself. Young boys place the weight of their…

Love as License

If you are said to be doing something wrong in the Matriarchy, the solution is to wrap what you are doing as LOVE. Love has become the mythological wonder that no one can criticize or question. If people are angry that you are marrying a foreign woman, do not tell them the ‘facts’ and why…

Bachelorism: An Epidemic?

I am tired of online ads for these matching services. Usually, it is a woman lying down almost nude with a huge command of “MATE” on the picture. So how do these online matching services get the females? Do they have men showing their chest with a huge command on it of “MATE?” No, they…

A story from a police officer…

At a recent birthday celebration for my one year old nephew, the small party was attended by my nephews’ godfather. He is a police officer in his forties I believe. His wife is in her thirties. The background was that he was married and had several children back in Georgia (I think). After the last…