What should the Men’s Movement do? (Part 2)

*Disclaimer* Keep in mind that this is meant for the politically engaged and public part of the Men’s Movement. When I mean ‘Men’s Movement,’ I am referring to the political motion, not the websites, blogs, message boards, and those things. In politics, you must pick your battles. In other words, you pick the battles worth…

What should the Men’s Movement do?

“Political Action!” Not yet. As my formal education and actually working on political campaigns, there is more to a movement than making blogs and petitioning the government. Let me tell you the tale of two movements. One succeeded wildly while the other failed. One altered the entire government of America while the other keeps losing…

Solution to the Matriarchy

Too many emails! Here is another… Dr. Pook, All this matriarchy business is a bit depressing. Your sosuave posts always left a nervous excitement in the stomach, but Pook’s Mill leaves an icy sinking in the stomach. Perhaps both are awakenings, but to two different realities. One was pleasant and productive, the other perturbing and…

The Questioner

As I go through the emails, this guy had so many questions that I’d thought I’d answer here (in case others have similar questions!). For your reading pleasure: Regular text = Pooky Wooky Bold text = The Questioner OK to the point. I feel that all your posts are very… separate, a whirlwind of ideas…

Women hate Feminism only when it interferes with Feminine Aristocracy (Matriarchy)

HereĀ is a fun story of women wishing to be barefoot and pregnant. These women are very unhappy with Feminism and having to work. “We can’t seriously expect that 1960s and 1970s social feminism (a concept not even 50 years old) is going to surpass what the female body is genetically, physiologically and psychologically programmed to…

Baby Bust Alters Politics

It is common to hear the “Doomsday” and “End of the West” mantras on the Men’s Movement sites. “Society is set to collapse!” they say. And most of this is due to the falling birth rate. But, lo and behold, the birth rate is an average of everyone. Behind the average, however, some people are…

Civil War in the Matriarchy

Semi-pussified males and men mistakenly believe Feminism is the Matriarchy. This is understandable because feminists are ‘visible’ because they are trying to invade the masculine sphere. Women are smarter than men because they have manipulated us to not just work for them; we are to die for them at a moment’s notice. It was during…

World War IV

World War III could be said to be the Cold War. But World War IV is certainly about Radical Islam. Please watch this. We must expand people’s context! World War I ended in an armistice. World War II ended with unconditional surrender. World War III ended when Soviet Russia was dealt with. But the new…

Don’t Worry About These Terrorists

With the events of today [Webmaster’s note: Scotland Yard disrupts major terrorist plot to destroy aircraft travelling from the United Kingdom to the United States. All toiletries are banned from commercial aircraft.], I’d like to put up a historical parallel: The Barbary pirates were pirates that operated out of Tunis, Tripoli, Algiers, Sale and ports…