Huge oil discovery! Doomsters stunned!

The U.S. has discovered a huge oil deposit over 20,000 feet below sea level in the Gulf of Mexico. This oil deposit would boost U.S. reserves by 50%. It is a spectacular find! The oil companies win. Consumers win. The U.S. wins! Everyone wins! Well, not everyone. The doomsters lose. But even if the doomsters won,…

The Doomslayer

In the 1960s, and perhaps a little before, a wave of doomsdayers appeared and spoke of the Malthusian disaster ahead. The Malthus view is simple: as human population increases, we will run out of natural resources, out of food, destroy all Nature, and end up with massive famines with civilization collapsing. In the 1970s, this…


And now a word from our sponsor…. Hello, Pook’s Mill readers! We have acknowledged that many of you have not been saving kittens from nasty feminists (hence, your refusal of marrying them). Perhaps if you allow me a moment, I may rekindle your heart and cast it not to love feminists but to save the…

Women Are Desperate to Get Married

An emailer sent me a link to this hilarious Oprah story. A man was able to marry five women at the same time. Obviously, there are smart, strong, and substantial women who could only get ‘played’ if the man was a demi-devil. Well, at least Oprah thinks so. According to all of these women’s’ stories,…

Why Marriage No Longer Works

I am a believer in Occum’s Razor. The simplest and clearest explanation is often the best one. I am seeing divorce occur among the usual married but also with traditional religious. Sometimes it is the woman who initiates the divorce. Other times, it is the man. The desire for divorce has been said to be…

Believe the older men

Guess what my first email was? It was a G-mail invite! You guys make me laugh (and yes I took the gmail invite 🙂 ). In any case, I’ve been lurking other forums and listening to plight of older men in their 30s-60s. On Sosuave, being shy or having problems dealing with girls is seen…

Thank This Man

Thank this man and thank all other men like him. These men were ambushed and attacked by feminist soldiers and legal artillery. They have been divorced. They have had their children ripped from them by courts. They have seen the inner-core of the Matriarchy. They have been through Hell. Here is a quote from his pages:…

An Emailer From Sosuave Writes…

The consequences of the things you discuss are so far reaching. I read your article about “nerds” just now and how the answer to 99 out of 100 questions in money. You made such a great case for this. I am in shock. Holy shit. What I am in even greater disbelief about is HOW EFFECTIVE…