Originally posted by DeepBlue: I’ve noticed that the concept of kino is almost as widely misunderstood as neghits, So many newbies rush out there with ‘neghits’ as wild knights to destroy the hot chicks’ castle-like egos. Likewise, so many newbies get creepy with the kino. You’re right, it IS misunderstood. These are subtle tools, not…
All posts in The Book of Pook
Aim High!
I know not how others see it; but as for me, I see Don Juaning as making dreams come true. Dreams! The spice of life, the universal spring of success! But I must be wrong, for Bryan Redford says, ”stick to your own league.”. Stick to your own league! What does that mean? Does that…
Let yourself fail!
The reason why you are here at this website, improving in ways you never dreamed possible before in your life, was because you failed at achieving what you wanted with women. Listen to yourself before you came to this website: “Oh, how I have failed with the ladies! If only I knew what to do!…
Romanticism: An Obituary
Romanticism is an article of faith. We know what it’s stuffed with: love at first sight, the carriage of frolicking courtships, prancing couples, dialogue consisting of fanstastical banquets, violins and flutes, of ballroom weddings, chandeliers, strangled poetry that converts her every part into some bizarre infinitude, and of happy homes flowing with enchanting music with…
On The Nature Of Sexuality
Diesel, I used to think the same about women at one point. But I cannot walk away from a riddle. And what better riddle is there but woman? It ended up blossoming into studying sexuality itself, and how it transcends the sex act itself. You will find it in art, business, politics, society in general.…
On Shyness
As a formerly EXTREMELY shy person, I can say that shyness is NOT a form of insecurity. In other avenues than person, shy people can be extraordinarily confident. It is entirely possible to be confident but be introverted. It is also possible to be insecure but be extroverted. No, shyness is thinking that EVERYONE IS…
Eliminate Desire Or Not?
I replied to this a long time ago and it used to be in the archive. I guess, now, that since it isn’t, the question comes up again. Originally posted by DjDreamer The guy that wrote “embrace your sexuality”, is the same guy that wrote “kill that desperation”. The auther is Pook. His excellent rhetoric…
On Embracing Sexuality
Originally posted by Make-A-Way Sup fellas, Here’s the deal: I’m a guy who has all of his shit together. I got a cool personality, a job, going to school, athletic(in a tall lanky way), plenty of hobbies[forgive me for the runon sentence], and can talk to any girl I want as well as flirt with…
Embrace your sexuality!
To the Nice Guys, AFCs, Chumps, and Assorted Miscellaneous Confused Males: Sirs: Let us have a little talk on the spirit of sexuality. This might trouble you, to be sure, it might anger others, which is most certain, but the stubborn fact remains that you cannot be successful with women ever until you embrace your…
Kill that desperation!
Being a Don Juan is not a net sum of smooth maneuvers and methods but of your own outlook on the world and on women. ANYONE can memorize ‘techniques’, but FEW can change the way HOW they think. Women will be able to sniff out the former. But with the latter, women will be clawing…